The Headteacher of a school should play a leading role in improving the quality of teaching and learning. As a Headteacher, you will appreciate that it is your duty and responsibility to ensure that your school is an achieving school, meeting its objectives in an effective and efficient manner. It is therefore in your interest to search for ways and means of improving yourself as a leader and manager. One way of improving your management and leadership performance is to clarify the purposes and directions of your school. These purposes and directions are normally communicated in a statement of missions, values and objectives.
The aim of this unit is to explain how to formulate a clear mission as well as a statement of values and objectives for your school.
Individual study time: 6 hours
Learning outcomes
By the end of this unit, you should be able to:
· define the terms mission, values and objectives
explain the role of clearly defined mission, values and objectives in the leadership of the school
indicate how classroom actions can be derived from a school objective
draft a mission statement as well as a set of values and objectives for your school
indicate the importance of communicating the mission, values and objectives to staff and other stakeholders
suggest strategies for realising the mission, values and objectives of your school
Let us clarify the terminology we will use here. There are several terms which are used to indicate the purpose and direction of a school. Consider the following terms: philosophy, mission, goals, aims, objectives and targets.
The Concise Oxford Dictionary describes the meaning of the word 'philosophy' in several ways, including: a system of principles for the conduct of life. Such a concept is useful both for each of us as individuals and for each school. But as the term 'philosophy' may be seen as too complex, an alternative commonly used is the term 'mission', and its expression as a 'mission statement'. All Guyanese schools must have Mission Statements.
The differences between the terms 'goals', ‘aims’, 'objectives' and 'targets' lie mainly in the degree to which the destination we want to reach is specified. Thus 'goals' and ‘aims’ may suggest a broad vision, 'targets' an exact position, with 'objectives' somewhere in between. There is really not much to choose between them, and you should feel free to make your own choice. Here we will use the term 'aims' to mean a set of statements each of which provides a clear indication of what the school wishes to achieve, and which together satisfy the principles included in the mission statement. Objectives are very specific statements describing positions which will be achieved within an agreed span of time.
Why Prepare Aims and Objectives?
We use objectives to chart and lead the course of our organization. They indicate the kinds and levels of performance or outputs at which we will aim in order to realise the overarching goals of the school. The rationale behind their use is that, if we decide in advance, the outputs that we wish to achieve we can take steps to achieve them and determine if they are achieved. Therefore, aims and objectives serve as guides to specific actions and standards for measuring performance. Because of these two roles, they also help motivate staff to achieve the goals of the school.
Therefore an important role of the Headteacherteacher is to:
· devise in collaboration with the staff, school board and other stakeholders, the aims and objectives of the school
· monitor the translation of aims and objectives into appropriate action to meet them.
Kinds of Objectives
Objectives can be classified according to a number of factors. One important is the degree of immediacy in realising the performance they describe.
General Objectives
Some objectives such as school, year level and unit objectives address performance which can be realised at the end of an extended programme of teaching and learning carried on inside and outside the classroom. These objectives are known as general objectives. Below is a sample of general objectives.
School Objective:
Year Five – End of Programme Objective
Students will have a strong work ethos
Students will be able to develop interesting story lines.
Year 1 – End of Unit Objective
Students will demonstrate competence in story writing
Think about the general steps which need to be taken in order to realise the behaviour stated in any one of the objectives in Table 1.
To bring about the performance described, we need to gradually develop behaviours, which serve as building blocks for the realization of the general objective. These behaviours are stated in what we often term enabling objectives. Thus, in order to prepare students to develop interesting story lines, we must first prepare and realise objectives directed at ensuring that they know what a story line is and how to write a story line.
Learning Objectives
Some objectives provide specific guidance for learning. These are termed learning objectives. They state not only the exact behaviours which students must demonstrate but also the conditions under which they must do so and the criteria for success. Thus, at the level of a Primary Grade Three lesson, an objective designed to help students think creatively could be:
Learning Objective: After listening carefully to the reading of the story children will be able to suggest a suitable alternative ending to Jack and the Beanstalk.
By now you will have realised that objectives can be placed on a continuum ranging from the general to the specific. At the overall level of the school, objectives address performance which can be realised at the end of an extended period of study. At the level of the lesson, they are likely to represent measurable, specific behaviour. Thus, the closer we get to the level of classroom interaction, the more specific the objective, the more useful the guidance it is likely to give.
Objectives can also be classified according to the kind of behaviours they address. These are normally directed at the development for mental, emotional and physical abilities.
Realising Mission, Values and Aims
Collectively, the mission, values and aims represent the purposes of the school.
Realising them requires a series of actions led by the Headteacher of the school.
Each headship or leadership approach discussed in this course represents a strategy which can lead to the achievement of the ultimate purposes of the school. Nevertheless, we will here consider a few general points which you need to observe if you are to achieve those purposes.
Strategies for Promoting Mission and Aims
As Headteacher, you are a key catalyst in the process of fulfilling the mission and objectives of the school. A the same time, full understanding of and support for these purposes by your staff, school board and other stakeholders is important. Therefore. You should:
· Involve your staff, School Board and Parent Teachers’ Association in the formulation of these purposes. You should present your draft mission and aims to all of them as well as to other stakeholders.
· Communicate the mission, values and aims to all members of the school community.
· Involve staff, P.T.A., School Board and other stakeholders in determining and implementing strategies to realise these goals.
You must also demonstrate your own commitment to the mission and aims because it will have a positive influence on others in your school. You will also need to provide clarification and guidance in the process of fulfilling these school goals.
Activity 1.1
Consider your own school. What would you say is the philosophy or mission of your school? At this stage do not try to write a complete statement.
In undertaking the above activity, we hope you appreciated that a school mission should include such things as:
· the promotion in the pupils of an interest in learning and the skills needed to learn
· the acquisition by the pupils of relevant knowledge, skills and attitudes
· the provision of opportunities for pupils to participate in and contribute to their culture
· a willingness on the part of the pupils and staff to serve both the school and the wider community
· regional and national educational goals
Above all the mission statement of your school should reflect national goals.
Your mission statement will be based upon your own values and those of your staff as well as Guyana as a whole. They will be what you want to pass on to the next generation. Values are guidelines for behaviour, and they govern each person's actions and attitudes. Values are learnt through experience, education and observation. It is necessary for the Headteacher to plan consciously and deliberately the school programmes that promote the values a society approves and wishes to uphold.
Activity 1.2
List some of the values you yourself hold and believe your school should seek to promote. Check whether your initial ideas about your school mission gave sufficient expression to your values. If you feel there are more values that could be included, then indicate what they are.
Your list probably included the following values: acceptable behaviour, reliability, honesty, efficiency, punctuality, diligence, politeness, courtesy, fairness, self‑discipline, tolerance, courage, respect for the dignity of labour, respect for other people and their property, good sportsmanship, impartiality, perseverance, respect for legitimate authority, public spiritedness, cleanliness, justice, etc.
As a Headteacher, you will almost certainly wish to ensure that the values the school cherishes pervade all the teaching / learning activities including the co‑curricular ones. In this way the gap between what a school says it does and what it actually does may be reduced.
School aims
A general statement about a school mission may be explained more fully in terms of aims. School aims indicate, in fairly specific terms, what the school intends to achieve.
Activity 1.3
1) Does your school have a set of aims?
2) To what extent would you say they are comprehensive and clear?
3) What areas should a set of school objectives cover?
School aims should take into account the needs of the pupils, the staff, the community and the nation. Pupils' needs include the desire for a complete education that prepares them for the world of work; the fostering of creativity to facilitate problem‑solving; strengthening their abilities to learn independently; the provision of a variety of co‑curricular activities and opportunities for them to enjoy and learn about their cultural heritage. Furthermore, pupils need opportunities to develop themselves as individuals; an environment that encourages them to develop their leadership qualities and inter‑personal skills, within a culture of tolerance.
In addition to the needs of the pupils, you need to be sensitive to the critical role that the staff play in achieving school aims. It is, therefore, important for you to ensure that your school aims address the following:
¨ The creation of an environment that enables both the pupils and the staff of the school to experience success.
¨ The provision of sufficient facilities, equipment and materials to facilitate the attainment of these aims.
¨ The creation of organisational structures within the school that will allow both pupils and staff to realise their expectations.
¨ The provision of opportunities for professional growth for the staff.
In formulating the school aims, it is also important to consider the needs of the community. These needs include the educational expectations of parents for their children; the promotion of good citizenship; respect for community values; and parental involvement in school programmes. Furthermore, school aims must reflect the national goals of Guyana which may include the development of human resources, the promotion of a common national identity and respect for the dignity of labour.
Formulating a school mission statement and aims
A school mission statement
Each school must have a statement of its own mission. In designing the statement for your school you will need to consult your staff and address the following key questions:
1. What is the purpose of this school? Why are the pupils and staff here?
What knowledge and skills do our pupils need?
How does the school identify individual differences, abilities and capacities amongst the pupils, and how does it adjust methods, materials and programmes accordingly to foster individual development?
How does the school provide equality of opportunity for all its members?
What are the desired relationships between:
pupils and pupils,
pupils and teachers,
teachers and the Headteacher,
the Headteacher and the community?
What values does the school seek to promote?
How does the school prepare pupils to participate fully in the real world?
Consider your answers to the questions listed above and compare your responses to the current mission of your school.
You should discover that your school mission will emerge from a discussion of the responses to the questions cited above. If you do not already have a school mission statement, this activity should provide you with a guide as to how you and your staff may develop an appropriate one, or to reflect on the one you already have.
Mission Statement
The Mission of Crimson Grove Primary School is to provide a total learning experience designed to equip students with the knowledge, skills, competencies and attitudes necessary for developing themselves into productive citizens, developing their community and Guyana, coping with change and participating in life long learning.
The Mission of Crimson Grove Primary School is to provide a total learning experience designed to equip students with the knowledge, skills, competencies and attitudes necessary for developing themselves into productive citizens, developing their community and Guyana, coping with change and participating in life long learning.
In Guyanese schools, the Mission Statement and the Aims of the School are displayed in a prominent place where all can see them. Neither are of any use unless they are fully understood by the whole community and put into practice.
School aims
Having agreed upon your school mission, it becomes necessary to break it down into objectives that are realistic and achievable. You may find the questions posed below helpful in formulating a set of aims for your school.
1. What is our school trying to achieve?
2. For whom does our school exist?
3. How is our school trying to achieve its mission?
4. What resources does our school have to achieve its aims?
5. How will we know when we have accomplished our aims?
6. Are our aims realistic and achievable?
7. Do the aims reflect the values of our school?
8. Could our aims be improved?
School aims
Having agreed upon your school mission, it becomes necessary to break it down into objectives that are realistic and achievable. You may find the questions posed below helpful in formulating a set of aims for your school.
1. What is our school trying to achieve?
2. For whom does our school exist?
3. How is our school trying to achieve its mission?
4. What resources does our school have to achieve its aims?
5. How will we know when we have accomplished our aims?
6. Are our aims realistic and achievable?
7. Do the aims reflect the values of our school?
8. Could our aims be improved?
Activity 1.4
Based on your answers to the questions posed above, formulate objectives for your school. Make sure that they cover all aspects of school life and are clearly and concisely expressed. Do not make your list too long!
Based on your answers to the questions posed above, formulate objectives for your school. Make sure that they cover all aspects of school life and are clearly and concisely expressed. Do not make your list too long!
Strategies for promoting selected values
Since a school plays a very crucial role in exposing pupils to selected values, the Headteacher and the staff need to devise strategies for promoting them.
Values may be promoted through:
• direct tuition or teaching during lessons;
• a well‑designed programme of guidance and counselling; family life
education, education for living or pastoral care;
• the content and conduct of assemblies;
• allowing pupils opportunities to develop their leadership qualities;
• ensuring that the school has a focus on learning;
• publicly honouring academic and practical achievement and by stressing their importance through the appropriate use of symbols, ceremonies, etc;
• exemplary behaviour by the staff.
It is likely that, in the same way as for the formulation of the school mission, you will need to work with your senior staff on the school objectives, before presenting them for further discussion to various groups involved with the school.
Consider how values are promoted in your school through the above. Reflect particularly on the last example.
Review and Evaluation
As the Headteacher, you should evaluate regularly the appropriateness and currency of your school mission and aims. You will need to do this in order to satisfy yourself that they are:
• realistic, achievable and well‑understood by all concerned
• giving direction to the school and staff
• meeting the needs of the school, pupils and the community
• being achieved.
Module 6, Monitoring School Effectiveness provides suggestions as to how you may set about carrying out an evaluation exercise.
In this unit we have explained the importance of the school mission, values and aims which should guide all school activities. Furthermore, suggestions on how to formulate and realise the school mission, values and aims, and the need to review and evaluate them regularly, have been made. As the Headteacher, you should ensure that your school has a clear mission and a set of aims which reflect it.
Since a school plays a very crucial role in exposing pupils to selected values, the Headteacher and the staff need to devise strategies for promoting them.
Values may be promoted through:
• direct tuition or teaching during lessons;
• a well‑designed programme of guidance and counselling; family life
education, education for living or pastoral care;
• the content and conduct of assemblies;
• allowing pupils opportunities to develop their leadership qualities;
• ensuring that the school has a focus on learning;
• publicly honouring academic and practical achievement and by stressing their importance through the appropriate use of symbols, ceremonies, etc;
• exemplary behaviour by the staff.
It is likely that, in the same way as for the formulation of the school mission, you will need to work with your senior staff on the school objectives, before presenting them for further discussion to various groups involved with the school.
Consider how values are promoted in your school through the above. Reflect particularly on the last example.
Review and Evaluation
As the Headteacher, you should evaluate regularly the appropriateness and currency of your school mission and aims. You will need to do this in order to satisfy yourself that they are:
• realistic, achievable and well‑understood by all concerned
• giving direction to the school and staff
• meeting the needs of the school, pupils and the community
• being achieved.
Module 6, Monitoring School Effectiveness provides suggestions as to how you may set about carrying out an evaluation exercise.
In this unit we have explained the importance of the school mission, values and aims which should guide all school activities. Furthermore, suggestions on how to formulate and realise the school mission, values and aims, and the need to review and evaluate them regularly, have been made. As the Headteacher, you should ensure that your school has a clear mission and a set of aims which reflect it.
Self-Assessment Exercise
1. In your own words, define the following terms:
a. school mission
b. school values
c. school aims.
2. Explain the role of the mission, values and aims in the management of the school.
3. Indicate how you can derive classroom actions from a school aim.
4. Explain why it is important to communicate your school mission, values and objectives to staff and other stakeholders?
1. In your own words, define the following terms:
a. school mission
b. school values
c. school aims.
2. Explain the role of the mission, values and aims in the management of the school.
3. Indicate how you can derive classroom actions from a school aim.
4. Explain why it is important to communicate your school mission, values and objectives to staff and other stakeholders?
You will probably have some of the following in your answers:-
1. Your definitions should encompass the following ideas.
a) A school mission identifies the philosophy or underlying thrust of the school.
b) School values are a set of principles which guide the behaviour of all staff and students of the school.
c) School aims are clearly stated indicators of what the school wishes to achieve.
2. Together, the mission, values and aims encapsulate the purposes of the school. Therefore, they guide the Headteacher and other leaders in taking actions to realize school goals.
3. To derive classroom actions from a school aim, the Headteacher and staff must identify - across subjects, years and units - a set of enabling objectives to serve as building blocks towards the realization of the desired school aim. At the level of the lesson, the enabling objectives should specify precise behaviours, thereby clearly indicating actions.
4. It is important to ascertain that staff and other stakeholders are aware of the school mission, values and aims since people are likely to be more committed to the realization of goals which they know and understand.
1. Your definitions should encompass the following ideas.
a) A school mission identifies the philosophy or underlying thrust of the school.
b) School values are a set of principles which guide the behaviour of all staff and students of the school.
c) School aims are clearly stated indicators of what the school wishes to achieve.
2. Together, the mission, values and aims encapsulate the purposes of the school. Therefore, they guide the Headteacher and other leaders in taking actions to realize school goals.
3. To derive classroom actions from a school aim, the Headteacher and staff must identify - across subjects, years and units - a set of enabling objectives to serve as building blocks towards the realization of the desired school aim. At the level of the lesson, the enabling objectives should specify precise behaviours, thereby clearly indicating actions.
4. It is important to ascertain that staff and other stakeholders are aware of the school mission, values and aims since people are likely to be more committed to the realization of goals which they know and understand.
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